After losing their guitarist KAZ late last year, releasing a coupling single with Pizarro and continuing with their scheduled event 37564 -Minagoro-, chariots have decided that they will disband. Their final live more glitch reception LAST PLEASURE will be held very soon on April 22 and you can check their announcement below:

[Important announcement]

Thank you for always supporting chariots.

From forming in 2016 to pausing activities in November 2017. After having lost a member, we poured all of our efforts into our scheduled event 3754 -minagoro-. Over and over, we went to so many meetings, searching for new members in order to revive the band, but we were unable to do so in the end.

Continuing chariots in its present state with support has led to a compromise in chariots’ activities. This has led to the conclusion that we can no longer continue like this.

Therefore, on April 22, 2018, the day we also have our last scheduled performance, is the day we will disband.

Until now, we have sailed through rough times with support from all of you, so we must deeply apologize that it has turned out this way.

There are a few performances left, but until the very last moment, we will not relent and continue bringing you chariots with all our strength.

We wish all members the best in their future endeavors.

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Staff)
Twitter (Riku) (戮)
Twitter (Jin) (迅)
Twitter (Mikage) (美景)
Instagram (Jin) (迅)
Instagram (Mikage) (美景)

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